.. image:: ../images/launch.jpg :scale: 50 % Source: `SpaceX `_ [Ref7]_ Launch Information ******************* This group of API calls will enable the retrieval of Launch data. ALL Launch calls can be given a set of parameters, with which to modify the response. Like all functions in this module, the API parameters must be given as a JSON payload such as can be seen :doc:`here <./useful/jsonpayload>`. All Launches ```````````` .. code-block:: python launches = spacexpython.launches.launches(parameters,timeOut) print(launches) Parameters: .. tabularcolumns:: |1|1|C|C| +------------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | Name | Purpose | Mandatory | Default | +============+===========================================+===========+=========+ | parameters | JSON list of URL qualifiers in the form | N | | + + + + + | | {"status":"active","limit":3 ......etc | | | +------------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | timeOut | Number of seconds to wait until a timeout | N | 1 | +------------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ `Valid parameters `_ Specific Launch ``````````````` .. important:: As of version v1.1.0.alpha4, this feature is not implemented. It will be implemented in a future release. .. code-block:: python launch = spacexpython.launches.one(launch_id,parameters,timeOut) print(Launch) Parameters: .. tabularcolumns:: |1|1|C|C| +------------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | Name | Purpose | Mandatory | Default | +============+===========================================+===========+=========+ | launch_id | ID of the Launch | Y | | +------------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | parameters | JSON list of URL qualifiers in the form | N | | + + + + + | | {"status":"active","limit":3 ......etc | | | +------------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | timeOut | Number of seconds to wait until a timeout | N | 1 | +------------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ `Valid parameters `_ Upcoming Launches ````````````````` .. code-block:: python upcoming_launches = spacexpython.launches.upcoming(parameters,timeOut) print(upcoming_launches) Parameters: .. tabularcolumns:: |1|1|C|C| +------------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | Name | Purpose | Mandatory | Default | +============+===========================================+===========+=========+ | parameters | JSON list of URL qualifiers in the form | N | | + + + + + | | {"status":"active","limit":3 ......etc | | | +------------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | timeOut | Number of seconds to wait until a timeout | N | 1 | +------------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ `Valid parameters `_ Next Launch ``````````` .. code-block:: python next_launch = spacexpython.launches.nextlaunch(timeOut) print(next_launch) Parameters: .. tabularcolumns:: |1|1|C|C| +------------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | Name | Purpose | Mandatory | Default | +============+===========================================+===========+=========+ | timeOut | Number of seconds to wait until a timeout | N | 1 | +------------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ `Valid parameters `_ Latest Launch ````````````` .. code-block:: python latest_launch = spacexpython.launches.latest(timeOut) print(latest_launch) Parameters: .. tabularcolumns:: |1|1|C|C| +------------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | Name | Purpose | Mandatory | Default | +============+===========================================+===========+=========+ | timeOut | Number of seconds to wait until a timeout | N | 1 | +------------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ `Valid parameters `_ Past Launches ````````````` .. important:: As of version v1.1.0.alpha4, this feature is not implemented. It will be implemented in a future release. .. code-block:: python past_launches = spacexpython.launches.past(parameters,timeOut) print(past_launches) Parameters: .. tabularcolumns:: |1|1|C|C| +------------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | Name | Purpose | Mandatory | Default | +============+===========================================+===========+=========+ | parameters | JSON list of URL qualifiers in the form | N | | + + + + + | | {"status":"active","limit":3 ......etc | | | +------------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | timeOut | Number of seconds to wait until a timeout | N | 1 | +------------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ `Valid parameters `_ .. [Ref7] Falcon 9 and Dragon lift off from Launch Pad 39A for CRS-10