Application function Parameters ******************************* Each parameter is an incremental filter, thus each filter will narrow down the return set. The value should be expressed as a valid JSON payload, such as the following: .. code-block:: json { "Creators":"["Albert Gallileo","Sergey Zuckerberg"]", "Platforms":"iOS" } An example of this would be: .. code-block:: python parameters = {"Creators":"["Albert Gallileo", "Sergey Zuckerberg"]", "Platforms":"iOS"} # JSON payload indicating only iOS applications clients # written by Albert Gallileo or Sergey Zuckerberg should be returned timeOut = 2 # wait 2 seconds before recording a timeout applications =,timeOut) print(applications) .. The JSON-format parameter list consists of one or more of : .. tabularcolumns:: |1|1|C|C| +-----------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+----------------------------------+ | Key | Meaning | Type | Example | +=================+============================================+========+==================================+ | Name | Application name | str | SpaceX-GraphQL | +-----------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+----------------------------------+ | Links | Links(s) to the application name | NOT FILTERABLE | +-----------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+----------------------------------+ | Types | Application type e.g. API, Website | dict | ["Website", "App", "Bot", "API"] | +-----------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+----------------------------------+ | Platforms | The platform(s) on which the application | dict | ["iOS", "Android", "Discord", | | | resides | | "Web", "API"] | +-----------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+----------------------------------+ | Creators | The creator(s) of the application | dict | ["Noah Zyrgunski"] | +-----------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+----------------------------------+ | CreatorsLinks | Link(s) to creators detailed above | NOT FILTERABLE | +-----------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+----------------------------------+ | Repos | Nature(s) of Repo(s) | dict | ["Github", "N/A", ] | +-----------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+----------------------------------+ | ReposLinks | Link(s) to repos detailed above | NOT FILTERABLE | +-----------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+----------------------------------+ | More | Additional details | NOT FILTERABLE | +-----------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+----------------------------------+ | MoreLinks | Link(s) to additional details as above | NOT FILTERABLE | +-----------------+--------------------------------------------+--------+----------------------------------+ The following is also valid syntax, and will return a complete list of applications: .. code-block:: python parameters = '' # ALL applications will be returned timeOut = 3 # wait 3 seconds before recording a timeout allapps =,timeOut) print(allapps) .. .. Note:: This feature is new as of v1.1.2