
Source: SpaceX [Ref10]

Rocket Information

This group of API calls will enable the retrieval of data about the rockets that SpaceX has used over its’ launch timeframe. ALL these calls can be given a set of parameters, with which to modify the response. Like all functions in this module, the API parameters must be given as a JSON payload such as can be seen here.

All Rockets

rockets = spacexpython.rockets.rockets(parameters,timeOut)


Name Purpose Mandatory Default

JSON list of URL qualifiers in the form

{“status”:”active”,”limit”:3 ……etc

timeOut Number of seconds to wait until a timeout N 1

Valid parameters

Specific Rocket

rocket = spacexpython.rockets.rocket(rocket_id,parameters,timeOut)


The rocket_id parameter is one of :

Value Meaning
falcon1 Falcon 1 Rocket
falcon9 Falcon 1 Rocket
falconheavy Falcon Heavy Rocket
bfr Big Falcon Rocket
starship Starship


Name Purpose Mandatory Default
rocket_id ID of the rocket Y  

JSON list of URL qualifiers in the form

{“status”:”active”,”limit”:3 ……etc

timeOut Number of seconds to wait until a timeout N 1

An additional method of acquiring information about a specific rocket would be to use the rocket-specific functions:

falcon1     = spacexpython.rockets.falcon1(parameters,timeOut)
falcon9     = spacexpython.rockets.falcon9(parameters,timeOut)
falconheavy = spacexpython.rockets.falconheavy(parameters,timeOut)
bfr         = spacexpython.rockets.bfr(parameters,timeOut)
starship    = spacexpython.rockets.starship(parameters,timeOut)

Valid parameters


Beginning with version 1.1.1.a1, any references to “bfr” will cause the information from the “starship” function to be returned. This is because Elon Musk, on the 20th November 2018 renamed Big Falcon Rocket to Starship. [RefBFR]

Additionally, as of version 1.1.2, any reference to ‘bfr’ will be removed. Thus, at this time, those references are considered to be deprecated.

[Ref10]Launch of Falcon 9 for mission CRS-12 14th August 2017
[RefBFR]BBC News Story