.. image:: ../images/HQ.jpg :scale: 50 % Source: [Ref5]_ Source `Bruno Sanchez-Andrade Nuño `_ from Washington, DC, USA` Company and API Information *************************** This group of API calls allows the retrieval of information regarding : * SpaceX corporate information * API Information Like all functions in this module, the API parameters must be given as a JSON payload such as can be seen :doc:`here <./useful/jsonpayload>`. Company Information ``````````````````` .. code-block:: python info = spacexpython.info.company(timeOut) print(info) Parameter: .. tabularcolumns:: |1|1|C|C| +------------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | Name | Purpose | Mandatory | Default | +============+===========================================+===========+=========+ | timeOut | Number of seconds to wait until a timeout | N | 1 | +------------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ `More Details `_ API Details ``````````````````````` .. code-block:: python api = spacexpython.info.api(timeOut) print(api) Parameter: .. tabularcolumns:: |1|1|C|C| +------------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ | Name | Purpose | Mandatory | Default | +============+===========================================+===========+=========+ | timeOut | Number of seconds to wait until a timeout | N | 1 | +------------+-------------------------------------------+-----------+---------+ `More Details `_ .. [Ref5] The company's headquarters, located in Hawthorne, California.